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June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and rural development for inclusive growth and food security in Morocco

This working paper (PDF) from Brookings Institution states that the objective of inclusive growth is linked to that of food and nutrition security. The Government of Morocco is implementing a rural development strategy with two pillars: the first pillar focuses on large modern farms, and the second pillar focuses on smallholder and family farming. The author argues that the twin goals of inclusive growth and food security would be best achieved by emphasizing the importance of the second pillar. »

June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global crop data aid in food policy decisions

This article from IFPRI highlights a newly updated interactive website which provides spatially disaggregated crop production estimates for 42 crops around the globe. Knowledge on where in the world individual crops are cultivated, their production patterns, and whether they are irrigated or rain fed are essential components for ensuring adequate, sustainable food production and safeguarding food security. »

June 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Rural radio and community media: Empowering rural youth to build resilient livelihoods and improve food security and nutrition

This report (PDF) by the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in West Africa of FAO, in collaboration with UNESCO, is a result of an online discussion on rural radio and community media, organized in February 2015. This initiative aimed to contribute to current debates about the challenges and opportunities of the role that rural radio and community media can have to young people to improve the resilience and food security in West Africa. »

June 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
More food from fertile grounds : integrating approaches to improve soil fertility

In this report by Alterra Wageningen UR, a new approach to maintain and improve the productive capacity of soil is highlighted. It aims to provide a balanced insight in the current state of affairs of (decreasing) soil fertility levels in relation to food security. The report provides the motivation to develop new pathways of change. »

June 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Youth sustaining family farming through ICTs

This report is the result of an e-debate of three weeks on “Youth sustaining family farming through ICTs”, organised by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in collaboration with the African Youth Foundation (AYF), in October 2014. »

June 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
CARE’s dairy value chain: Making markets work for smallholder farmers in Bangladesh

In this book by CARE: Making Markets More Inclusive, in-depth, behind-the-scenes lessons are highlighted from CARE’s work in the dairy value chain in northwest Bangladesh. The book provides a top five of lessons on how to make markets work. »