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April 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Horticultural exports – a threat or a boost to food security?

This article assesses the impact of horticultural exports on food security in the exporting country. Horticultural produce is mostly destined for high-income countries and it contributes to food intake there, however it is unclear what their food security consequences are in the countries of origin. In this article, a variety of direct and indirect effects of horticultural exports on food security in these exporting countries are discussed. »

April 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making the case for institutional demand: Supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmes

This paper focuses on the rationale for supporting market interventions for smallholders through what the authors call Institutional Demand. Institutional Demand consists of different interventions that target procurement from smallholder farmers and distribute their surplus to vulnerable populations. This policy intervention links the goals of both agricultural development and social protection through three key areas: price stabilization; income generation and; food security. »

April 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
How urbanization patterns can guide strategies for achieving adequate nutrition

This book chapter illustrates how understanding urban development and urbanization patterns can help policy makers prepare for and achieve better urban nutrition, including for the urban poor. To understand these urbanization patterns city size, urban infrastructures, trade and rural–urban linkages should be analysed. »

April 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Open data benefits for agriculture and nutrition

This issue of ICT Update portrays how GODAN and other stakeholders are creating a global open data movement in agriculture and nutrition from the perspectives of its users by showcasing some of the best practices and the most common challenges in this field. There is a lot potential, but lack of reliable and contextualised data is currently working against smallholder farmers. »

April 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
He says, she says: Exploring patterns of spousal agreement in Bangladesh

This discussion paper examines differences in spouses’ answers to questions regarding who participates in decisions about household activities, who owns assets, and who decides to purchase assets in Bangladesh. Participation in household decisions and control over assets are often used as indicators of bargaining power. »

April 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Understanding recent challenges and new food policy in China

This article reviews China’s agricultural and food policy with specific focus on recent challenges, initial policy responses and their consequences, and re-adjusting policies. Despite remarkable achievements in the past, China is facing several major challenges, in particular on ensuring sustainable agricultural growth, improving food security, and increasing farmers’ income. »