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June 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
The System of Rice Intensification’s role in hunger, climate change, and communities

This blog explains the basic principles of System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the implications of the methodology, and the role it can play in agriculture in the future. SRI is best understood as a set of agronomic principles rather than as a typical kind of agricultural technology. »

June 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Unlocking the potential of soil organic carbon

This outcome document gives an overview of the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon. The overall aim of the symposium was to review the role of soils and Soil Organic Carbon in the context of climate change, sustainable development and land degradation neutrality. »

June 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Realities, perceptions, challenges and aspirations of rural youth in dryland agriculture in Morocco

This article analyses rural youth’s realities, perspectives and aspirations in dryland Agricultural Livelihood Systems in Morocco. According to the authors the data collected are an important first step in understanding the target group and working with youth to identify and develop appropriate programmatic interventions to improve their livelihoods and rural futures. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Enhancing sustainability of pastoral productive systems

This Learning Alliance Highlight reviews the best practices in land tenure policy for pastoralist societies in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. Over the course of six topics, participants in the Online Learning Alliance discussed and exchanged ideas on how to sustain pastoralism as a production system. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
How climate-smart is conservation agriculture? Its potential to deliver on adaptation, mitigation and productivity on smallholder farms in southern Africa

This article assesses whether or not conservation agriculture (CA) is climate-smart. For a cropping system to be labelled “climate-smart” it has to deliver three benefits: a) adapt to the effects of climate and be of increased resilience; b) mitigate climate effects by sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and c) sustainably increase productivity and income. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
The contribution of international vegetable breeding to private seed companies in India

This article explores the role of international agricultural research when research and development have shifted to the private sector. Results show that as the role of the private sector in vegetable breeding increased, and with it the share of hybrids in the market, the role of international agricultural research shifted from the provision of ready-made varieties to the provision of specific resistance traits. »