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July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Effects of drying and storage management on fungi (Aflatoxin B1) accumulation and rice quality in Cambodia

This article determines the effects of different field drying and storage practices on fungi accumulation and milled rice quality in Cambodia. Rice postharvest practices of farmers incur losses that limit supply and affect global production. Aside from physical losses, quality can be affected, leading to a possible accumulation of aflatoxin B1 that is harmful to humans when ingested. »

July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Urban-rural linkages: Let’s revitalise the broken rural-urban linkages!

This meeting report discusses the impacts urban growth is going to have on food security and nutrition, how it reshapes agricultural value chains and how small farmers can benefit from it. »

July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

This report analyzes the diverse, direct and indirect, contributions of forests and trees to food security and nutrition (FNS). This contribution happens through four main channels: direct provision of food; provision of energy, especially for cooking; income generation and employment; and provision of ecosystem services that are essential for FNS, human health and well-being. »

July 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving the positive impacts of investments on smallholder livelihoods and the landscapes they live in

This working paper aims to to stimulate debate on how to improve positive impacts from investments on smallholder livelihoods and to move from ‘do no harm’ risk mitigation approach towards a ‘do good’ impact approach. Aimed primarily at investors, in just 15 pages it highlights how to work profitably and equitably with smallholders, and how to promote better land governance and livelihoods. »

July 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Climate change and variability: What are the risks for nutrition, diets, and food systems?

This discussion paper uses a food systems approach to analyze the bidirectional relationships between climate change and food and nutrition along the entire food value chain. The relationship between climate and nutrition is complex. »

July 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Finance for a fruitful future: Dutch aid for agriculture 2005-2015

This paper shows the results of a study analyzing the trend in Dutch Official Development Assistance in agriculture and presents policy recommendations to the Dutch government. The paper also maps the current state of Dutch climate finance, since investments in the agricultural sector and adaptation finance are closely intertwined.  »