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Precision fertilizing using drones and scanners
October 5, 2015Expert opinion
Precision fertilizing using drones and scanners
Theme: Soil Management

Fifth article in the IYS 2015 series. The first drones are already flying over potato, wheat and soya crops. By combining drone-recorded imaging with soil scans, growers are able to target their fertilizing much more precisely than before. This method has great environmental advantages as some plots of soil require far less fertilizer than others. »

Sow before you reap
September 14, 2015Expert opinion
Sow before you reap

Dutch development policy from aid to trade In 2010, Dutch policy for development cooperation was urged by experts to focus on agriculture as one of the areas where the Netherlands has an international comparative advantage. At the time, this prompted the minister in charge of development to make food security one of the spearhead themes »

Potato takes precedence over combating subsidence - Land users in no hurry to implement measures against subsidence
September 11, 2015Expert opinion
Potato takes precedence over combating subsidence – Land users in no hurry to implement measures against subsidence
Theme: Soil Management

Fourth article in the IYS 2015 series. Many of the world’s deltas and coastal regions are slowly subsiding, often through water abstraction. Rehydrating the land can combat subsidence. But only if governments and farmers are prepared to act. »

Too much fertilizer, too many brambles
August 5, 2015Expert opinion
Too much fertilizer, too many brambles
Theme: Soil Management

Third article in the IYS 2015 series. Excessive levels of nitrogen in the soil due to artificial fertilizers are degrading natural habitats all over the world. Using less artificial fertilizer and eating less meat will help alleviate the problem – although the effects won’t be seen any time soon. »

Dutch private sector development policy into practice
July 21, 2015Expert opinion
Dutch private sector development policy into practice

In their blog “Improving the business climate in developing countries: a realistic goal or another Holy Grail?” at Ondernemen in Ontwikkelingslanden, Paul Engel and Bruce Byiers (ECDPM) reflect on the role of Dutch policy on entrepreneurship in developing countries. They state that overall the Dutch private sector development policy provides a promising framework for combining »

Nutritions for depleted African soils
June 1, 2015Expert opinion
Nutritions for depleted African soils
Theme: Soil Management

Second article in the IYS 2015 series. Nowhere is soil fertility deteriorating as rapidly as in Africa. The looming catastrophe is attracting increasing attention but the way in which African farmers can best revitalise their land has become the subject of fierce debate. »