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Vijverbergsession “Virtual platform for agro entrepreneurs” (by invitation only – in Dutch)
October 31, 2016Event
Vijverbergsession “Virtual platform for agro entrepreneurs” (by invitation only – in Dutch)

Vijverbergsessions are closed sessions where academics, politicians and experts from the government, civil society and business discuss global food issues; goal is to formulate conclusions relevant for policy makers. On Wednesday »

Debat over rapport
October 27, 2016Event
Debat over rapport “Stoppen, en dan?” (in Dutch)

Op dinsdagmiddag 2 november organiseert Vice Versa samen met het IOB een debat over het kritische rapport “Stoppen, en dan?” over de manier waarop de Nederlandse overheid na de bezuinigingen onder het kabinet Rutte I haar ontwikkelingsprogramma’s stopzette. »

Marrakech Climate Change Conference
October 25, 2016Event
Marrakech Climate Change Conference

At the Marrakech Climate Change Conference, nations of the world will continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, with the central focus placed on enhancing ambition, promoting implementation and providing support. »

Making value chains work for food and nutrition security
October 24, 2016Event
Making value chains work for food and nutrition security

The next Agriculture-Nutrition Community of Practice Webex call is planned for Wednesday, October 26 from 9:30-10:30 AM Eastern US time. The topic is “Making value chains work for food and nutrition »

MVO New Year's Event (in Dutch; exclusively for MVO-partners)
October 24, 2016Event
MVO New Year’s Event (in Dutch; exclusively for MVO-partners)

Duurzame winst voor je bedrijf en de maatschappij. Daar ga je voor. Maar waar vind je de middelen om je plannen te realiseren? En hoe kom je in contact met de juiste partijen die je verder helpen? Tijdens het MVO Nieuwjaarsevent! »

Micronutrient Forum Global Conference 2016
October 24, 2016Event
Micronutrient Forum Global Conference 2016

The Micronutrient Forum Global Conference 2016 is welcoming over 800 delegates from 73 countries, representing 330+ organizations involved in research, program delivery, clinical practice, policy-making, advocacy, business and philanthropy to discuss this year’s theme around ending micronutrient malnutrition in particular for women and girls. »