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Resources CoP Knowledge
June 12, 2020Knowledge activity
Resources CoP Knowledge
Theme: CoP Knowledge

During the online calls of the Food security and COVID-19 response CoP on Knowledge, members refer to several documents and information, which we will regularly add to the resources list in this post. »

Communities of Practice supporting the Dutch Food and Nutrition Security response to COVID-19
June 11, 2020Knowledge activity
Communities of Practice supporting the Dutch Food and Nutrition Security response to COVID-19
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

Dutch development organizations are working together to help prevent the emergence of food crises in LMICs as a consequence of COVID-19 measures and impacts. On the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands Food Partnership and GAIN, several CoPs have been formed to support these efforts. The CoPs facilitate cooperation and support around areas that are deemed particularly essential for an effective response to the COVID-19 crisis: Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods; Finance & Outreach; Digital Solutions, and Knowledge. »

Report CoP meeting
June 11, 2020Knowledge activity
Report CoP meeting “Learning partnerships for adaptive programming in fragile contexts”
Theme: Food security and stability

How does learning for adaptive management work in fragile settings, and what are lessons from its application in Somalia, Burundi and Ethiopia? This was the central focus of the last meeting of the Community of Practice on food security & stability, held on May 28, 2020. Thirty-two participants joined this first online workshop, co-organized with the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law. Participants discussed and exchanged on their experiences with learning in consortia, through concrete case studies. »

Dutch Development Results 2019 in Perspective: Food and Nutrition Security highlights
June 11, 2020News
Dutch Development Results 2019 in Perspective: Food and Nutrition Security highlights

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has presented its annual online report providing an overview of the results achieved by the Netherlands in the field of development cooperation in 2019. Under the theme Food and Nutrition Security, the Netherlands contributed to greater nutrient intake, productivity and market access, better management of natural resources and greater resilience to economic and environmental shocks. »

The Food Systems Dashboard
June 10, 2020News
The Food Systems Dashboard
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

On June 1, 2020, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World launched the Food Systems Dashboard. This new online dashboard presents food system data of 230 countries and is designed to better inform policy. »

Grounding the helicopters
June 9, 2020Expert opinion
Grounding the helicopters

Minasny et al. (2020) raise an issue concerning the ethics of scientific research and publication that has implications far beyond the issue of authorship. It is a topic to which Ken Giller is particularly sensitive given that he has devoted virtually his whole career to research on smallholder agriculture in the tropics. Read his blog, published in Geoderma, here. »