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November 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
The nutrition advantage: Harnessing nutrition co-benefits of climate-resilient agriculture

This study of IFAD’s experience in improving nutrition in climate-sensitive agricultural investments, shows that climate change impacts in agriculture and the prevalence of malnutrition in rural areas are deeply intertwined. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global Nutrition Report 2017: Nourishing the SDGs

This report shows that ending malnutrition in all its forms will catalyze improved outcomes across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The analysis shows there are five core areas that run through the SDGs to which nutrition can contribute, and in turn, benefit from. »

November 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global food security index 2017: Measuring food security and the impact of resource risks

This report provides a worldwide perspective on which countries are most and least vulnerable to food insecurity and how resource risks increase vulnerability. Given the growing threats to food security posed by climate change and natural resource depletion, the 2017 iteration of the index includes a new category that seeks to understand the impact that these risks will have on global food security. »

October 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
New horizons: Accelerating sustainable development through inclusive business in Kenya

This report highlights opportunities for inclusive business across five sectors: financial services, food and beverages, healthcare, infrastructure and skills building and education. »

October 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Grazed and confused

This report addresses the role of ruminants in grazing systems and their relationship with climate change. The potential contribution of grazing ruminants to soil carbon sequestration is small, time-limited, reversible and substantially outweighed by the greenhouse gas emissions they generate. »

October 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Land resource planning for sustainable land management

This working paper provides an overview of the development and status of implementation of land evaluation and land-use planning concepts and tools for land resource and landscape management. »