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February 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Mobile technologies and digitized data to promote access to finance for women in agriculture

This report provides the state of play of current and promising efforts that use mobile technologies and digitized data to close the gap in access to finance for women in agriculture. The evidence that women both drive agricultural production and rely on it for their livelihoods means that greater financial and informational service provision to women, especially through digital channels, could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their labor. »

January 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Linking WASH and nutrition

During the World Water Week two reports were launched on how the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and the nutrition sectors can benefit from each other; “2+6=17: Linking WASH and nutrition – a blueprint for living SDG17” and “The recipe for success: how policy-makers can integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into actions to end malnutrition”. »

January 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
How climate drives hunger: Food security climate analyses, methodologies & lessons 2010-2016

This reports acts as a compendium of the main findings from food security climate analyses undertaken by WFP and partners around the world and documenting key lessons learnt from these efforts.  »

January 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Food from the oceans

This report gives scientific advice on how more food and biomass can be obtained from the oceans in a way that does not deprive future generations of their benefits. »

December 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women’s empowerment in the context of food security and nutrition

This report was presented in preparation for the Forum on Women’s Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition. This forum brought together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the challenges that remain in realizing women’s empowerment and to promote a shared understanding of the need to achieve gender equality and the full realization of women’s rights in the context of food security and nutrition. »

December 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Invisible lives: Understanding youth livelihoods in Ghana and Uganda

This report creates an understanding of livelihoods, cash flows, and the nature of rural work of young people in Uganda and Ghana. It was found that young people have diverse livelihoods. Both young Ghanaians and Ugandans undertake a mix of informal sector employment, self-employment and agriculture-related activities to sustain their livelihoods.  »