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February 8, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agroecology in Africa: Mitigation the old new way

This article is highlighting the way millions of African farmers, with their indigenous systems, adapt to climate change. 33 case studies released by the Oakland Institute demonstrate with facts and figures how an agricultural transformation respectful of the farmers and their environment can yield immense economic, social, and food security benefits while also fighting climate change and restoring soils and the environment. »

September 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
An exploratory study of dairying intensification, women’s decision making, and time use and implications for child nutrition in Kenya

This article elaborates on the implication of dairy intensification strategies and women’s decision-making on child nutrition. Results from the mixed methods study conducted with households representing low, medium and high levels of dairy intensification in rural Kenya indicated that children in high-intensity households received more milk than children in medium-intensity households. »

June 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender opportunities and constraints in inclusive business models: the case study of Unifrutti in Mindanao, Philippines

This publication (PDF) by FAO adds to the debate around whether private investment in agriculture contributes to production growth, poverty reduction, food security and gender equality by case studies in the Philippines. Data and information were collected via key informant interviews, focus group discussions and direct observation. The report shows that investment models and contractual arrangements implemented by Unifrutti – a major private company producer, processor and exporter of pineapple and banana in the Mindanao Region – have had positive implications for the livelihood of the rural communities involved. »

May 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
The need for institutional change in capacity development of tertiary agricultural education organisations

This publication (PDF) by KIT, ICRA and the Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), argues that Dutch-funded capacity development projects in developing countries for tertiary agricultural education organisations as they are currently carried out are not able to successfully achieve the sustained changes required. The authors suggest that long-term institutional change is needed. The report specifically »

April 23, 2015Knowledge Portal
A greener Burkina: sustainable farming techniques, land reclamation and improved livelihoods

This report (PDF) from The Overseas Development Institute (ODI), describes a case study where degraded land in Burkina Faso was brought into productive use through the application of improved traditional farming techniques. Three main factors have contributed to achieving this progress: 1. farmers had valuable local knowledge of suitable and efficient traditional farming methods; 2. »

April 7, 2015Knowledge Portal
Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights

This report (PDF) by CGIAR CCAFS explores evidence and insights from five case studies that have made significant recent progress in addressing the challenge of insuring poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the developing world. »