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July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Effects of drying and storage management on fungi (Aflatoxin B1) accumulation and rice quality in Cambodia

This article determines the effects of different field drying and storage practices on fungi accumulation and milled rice quality in Cambodia. Rice postharvest practices of farmers incur losses that limit supply and affect global production. Aside from physical losses, quality can be affected, leading to a possible accumulation of aflatoxin B1 that is harmful to humans when ingested. »

July 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of urban-based agriculture on food security: Kenyan case studies

This article characterizes urban farming and urban-based rural farming in two medium-sized towns in Kenya. The article further assesses food security levels of urban households engaged in farming and households that do not farm. »

July 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural innovation and adaptation to climate change: Empirical evidence from diverse agro-ecologies in South Asia

This article generates empirical evidence on emerging agricultural innovations in contrasting socio-economic, geographical and agro-ecological contexts. The study demonstrates that several farm practices (innovations) have emerged in response to multiple drivers over time, with various forms of institutional and policy support, including incentives to reduce risks in the adoption of innovative practice. »

June 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Safe storage of maize in alternative hermetic containers

This article evaluated plastic bottles, which may be hermetically sealed, for storing maize grain. Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags have been developed and extended as a way to address grain storage issues faced by smallholder farmers in developing nations. Farmers with varying and often small volumes of grain at harvest, may still benefit from alternatives to PICS bags for storing their grain. »

June 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Fruit production and consumption: Practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya

This study identified practices, preferences, attitudes and decision-making for fruit consumption, production, and use of income generated from these activities. Additionally, it assessed the contribution of fruits to closing nutritional gaps in Western Kenya during two different (rainy and dry) seasons. »

June 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs for climate-resilient pastoral livelihoods in wildlife conservancies in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya

This article investigates the ability of wildlife conservancies in Kenya, to act as an alternative for pastoralists that mitigates risks and maintains resilience in a changing climate. The paper analyses how conservancies contribute to and integrate with pastoral livelihoods, and how pastoralists are managing their livestock herds in response to conservancies. »