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May 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
An assessment of mobile phone-based dissemination of weather and market information in the Upper West Region of Ghana

This article assesses the usefulness, constraints, and factors likely to influence farmers’ decisions to patronize mobile phone-based weather and market information. The rapid growth of mobile phones in Ghana has opened up the possibility of delivering timely and useful weather and market information to farmers at costs lower than traditional agricultural extension services. »

May 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Losses, inefficiencies and waste in the global food system

This article aims to better understand the magnitude of food losses in different stages in the food system and provides insights into how these influence overall food system efficiency. A systems view is taken from primary production of agricultural biomass through to human food requirements and consumption. The highest rates of loss are associated with livestock production, although the largest absolute losses of biomass occur prior to harvest. Over-eating was found to be at least as large a contributor to food system losses as consumer food waste. »

May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
The rush for land in an urbanizing world: From land grabbing toward developing safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and landscapes

This article elaborates on the importance of linking debates on land governance and urbanization. It aims to contribute to current discussions about “making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable” (SDG 11) by linking debates that are currently taking place in separate containers. »

May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings

This article reviews how small-scale poultry can contribute to improved household food and nutrition security. Small-scale poultry production systems are mostly found in rural, resource-poor areas that often also experience food insecurity. These poultry systems are accessible to vulnerable groups of society, and provide households with income and nutritionally-rich food sources. »

May 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Adoption of agroforestry and the impact on household food security among farmers in Malawi

This article analyzes the impacts of adopting fertilizer trees such as Gliricidia sepium and Faidherbia albida on household food security. Agroforestry is increasingly regarded as an important adaptation and mitigation strategy against climate change. In particular, the use of fertilizer trees has been promoted as a practice that contributes to improved soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. »

May 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global trends in dietary micronutrient supplies and estimated prevalence of inadequate intakes

This article characterizes global trends in dietary quality for all countries between 1961 and 2011. This is done by estimating micronutrient density of the food supply, and the prevalence of inadequate intake of 14 micronutrients. Over this 50-year period, Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where dietary micronutrient density has declined, while in most regions it improved. »