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Academic article

November 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
An empirical evaluation of policy options for inclusive dairy value chain development in Nicaragua: A system dynamics approach

This research tested and evaluated the short-, medium-, and long-term impacts of specific interventions and policies in the Matiguás dairy value chain with the goal of strengthening the competitiveness and inclusion of small- and medium-scale producers. »

November 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The participatory market chain approach: Stimulating innovations along the indigenous African leafy vegetables market chain

This study aimed at improving market access for smallholder farmers (particularly women) in the African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) market chain. Results showed that collaboration in the ALV chain resulted into synergies which led to quick wins, stronger relations and improved functionality at the node and chain level. »

November 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Family poultry: Multiple roles, systems, challenges, and options for sustainable contributions to household nutrition security through a planetary health lens

This article addresses key issues associated with the production of family poultry eggs in support of improved nutrition and sustainable, nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices. Family poultry production requires attention to husbandry practices, disease prevention and control in line with national and international animal health regulations, and food safety. »

October 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits

This article analyses options for reducing the environmental effects of the food system, including dietary changes towards more plant-based diets, improvements in technologies and management, and reductions in food loss and waste. Implementation of these measures will depend on the regulatory and incentive framework. »

October 18, 2018Knowledge Portal
Contributions of livestock-derived foods to nutrient supply under changing demand in low- and middle-income countries

This article presents a case study of food nutrient supplies in eight selected countries within the context of their growing demand for livestock-derived food (LDF). Results show that supply of LDF grows substantially and relative to other food groups in at least four of the countries. »

October 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
A framework for priority-setting in climate smart agriculture research

This article proposes a framework for prioritising agricultural research investment across scales and reviews different approaches to setting priorities among agricultural research projects. A mix of actions that span spatial and temporal time scales is needed to ensure climate-smart agriculture research effectiveness. »