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May 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Spatial targeting of ICT-based weather and agro-advisory services for climate risk management in agriculture

This paper presents a scientific and integrated approach to identify areas of high agriculture vulnerability to climate change and availability of ICT services for dissemination of climate-smart agriculture information in the vulnerable areas. This simple methodology uses available data, is easy to apply, can be useful to prioritize locations for climate-smart interventions, mode of CSA information dissemination using ICT services, and increase coverage of agro-ICT services. »

May 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Discursive translations of gender mainstreaming norms: The case of agricultural and climate change policies in Uganda

This paper takes a discourse analytical perspective on gender policy and budgeting and examines what happens to gender issues in agriculture and climate change adapation when they are mainstramed and domesticated in different governance levels. The study finds that while the international norm of gender mainstreaming has been formally adopted in Uganda, its transformational potential was reduced through five distinct processes during norm translation. »

April 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mother’s nutrition-related knowledge and child nutrition outcomes: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

This paper investigates the association of mother’s nutrition-related knowledge with nutrition outcomes of young children living in rural Nigeria and whether mother’s education has a complementary effect on such knowledge in producing positive child nutrition outcomes in such settings. The study found that mother’s knowledge is independently and positively associated with HAZ (height-for-age) and WHZ (weight-for-height) z-scores in young children. »

April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Inclusive businesses in agriculture: Defining the concept and its complex and evolving partnership structures in the field

This paper aims to provide a more precise insight into Inclusive Businesses (IBs), from a conceptual perspective and from a more practical one when implemented. Results show that whereas multiple-instrument IBs do obtain improved inclusiveness of low-income communities and smallholder farmers in commercial value chains, issues related to corporate control over resources, lack of knowledge transfer and marginal benefits remain. »

March 29, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to rural credit markets in developing countries, the case of Vietnam: A literature review

This article focuses on the characteristics of rural credit markets, the determinants of farmer access to markets, the socio-economic impacts of credit access in Vietnam and comparing those of some developing countries. Although positive relationship among credit access, output production, productive efficiency, and total household income are found in most papers; credit also has positively significant impacts on only non-farm income. »

March 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agricultural transformation and food and nutrition security in Ghana: Does farm production diversity (still) matter for household dietary diversity?

This article examines the linkage between farm production diversity and household dietary diversity in rural Ghana and how that linkage changed between 2005–06 and 2012–13. Results suggest that farm production diversification, as well as household income growth, continues to be strongly associated with increased household dietary diversity. Recent agricultural transformation seems to have not yet markedly improved integration of rural food and agricultural markets into the wider economy. »