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June 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Global gender and environment outlook: The critical issues

The first Global Gender and Environmental Outlook presents an overview of critical evaluations and analyses of the interlinkages between gender and the environment. It shows their importance for gender-sensitive policy-making and actions and provides an overview of existing knowledge on these subjects. »

June 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Inclusive business models: Guidelines for improving linkages between producer groups and buyers of agricultural produce

These guidelines by FAO have been developed to support the growth of inclusive business models (IBMs) that integrate smallholders into agricultural value chains. Small actors in agricultural value chains are tied to markets through a series of forward and backward business linkages, which incorporate various types of business models. The complexity of these business models varies according to the commodity, number of actors involved, local context and market structure. »

June 22, 2016Knowledge Portal
Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide

This research on the Royal Society shows how the origins of food plants has led to the recognition that specific geographical regions around the world have been of particular importance to the development of agricultural crops. Yet the relative contributions of these different regions in the context of current food systems have not been quantified. The authors determine the origins (‘primary regions of diversity’) of the crops comprising the food supplies and agricultural production of countries world. »

June 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
The global nutrition report: From promise to impact

This report is the only independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. This year’s edition has a strong focus on political commitment to nutrition and provides guidelines for what is necessary to end malnutrition by 2030. Findings reveal a global lack of progress against malnutrition – which now afflicts one in three people worldwide. Beyond health burdens, the report offers new data on the cost of malnutrition to societies and individuals. »

June 9, 2016Knowledge Portal
Should we stop talking about “youth”?

Youth and young people are becoming a hot topic among development donors and actors. But who exactly do these “labels” apply to, and are they too broad for effective policies? Or do they create too narrow a focus which is blind to larger structural issues? »

June 6, 2016Knowledge Portal
The OECD-FAO guidance for responsible agricultural supply chains

This guide by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), has been developed to help enterprises observe existing standards for responsible business conduct along agricultural supply chains. These standards include the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. »