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May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings

This article reviews how small-scale poultry can contribute to improved household food and nutrition security. Small-scale poultry production systems are mostly found in rural, resource-poor areas that often also experience food insecurity. These poultry systems are accessible to vulnerable groups of society, and provide households with income and nutritionally-rich food sources. »

May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
A rough estimate of the proportion of global emissions from agriculture due to smallholders

This info note describes to what proportion smallholder farms contribute relative to all agricultural emissions, and to total global emissions from all sectors. Smallholders in developing countries produce, on a very rough estimate, 5% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from smallholder farming in developing countries are roughly estimated as contributing to onethird of agricultural emissions and one-third of the emissions from deforestation due to agriculture globally. »

May 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global trends in dietary micronutrient supplies and estimated prevalence of inadequate intakes

This article characterizes global trends in dietary quality for all countries between 1961 and 2011. This is done by estimating micronutrient density of the food supply, and the prevalence of inadequate intake of 14 micronutrients. Over this 50-year period, Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where dietary micronutrient density has declined, while in most regions it improved. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness

These six papers explore some of the key themes in inclusive agribusiness. The papers discuss enabling policy environments, access to finance, gender, multi-stakeholder partnerships, inclusive business models in agriculture and systemic approaches to inclusive agribusiness. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating a gender perspective to help scale Africa RISING technologies and practices: Requirements for proposal development and implementation

This short guide helps Africa RISING researchers to properly address gender issues in their proposals and interventions. Gender equality is central to the process of scaling technologies and practices in a sustainable manner. Failing to take into account gender differences can limit the reach and scale of Africa RISING technologies. This tool describes how gender issues should be addressed in each step of the intervention designing process. »

May 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agriculture, food systems, and nutrition: Meeting the challenge

This article reviews the role agriculture plays in improving nutrition, how food systems are changing rapidly due to globalization, trade liberalization, and urbanization, and the implications this has for nutrition globally. Malnutrition is a multisectoral, multi-level problem. »