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June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
What drives diversification of national food supplies?

This article sets out to systematically explore what drives the diversification of food supplies (DFS) across countries and regions, and over the course of economic development. A cross-country dataset was constructed and analyzed linking a simple DFS indicator, the share of calories supplied by nonstaple foods, with structural transformation and agroecological indicators. »

June 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sorghum seed storage in Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags and improvised containers

This article elaborates on options for seed storage for smallholder farmers and specifically looks at multiple uses for the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags and improvised containers and their efficiency. Seed storage is a major challenge for smallholder farmers in developing nations. »

June 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Gender equality

This policy guidance note seeks to facilitate policy dialogue on how to synchronize gender equality policy objectives and food security and nutrition ones. The aim is to enhance coordination between the two policy domains, and ultimately enable women on an equal basis with men to realize their potentials as key partners in improving food security and nutrition. »

June 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
The fund manager perspective: Moving the needle on inclusive agribusiness

This briefing note interrogates how different impact-oriented agribusiness funds combine public and private capital to build a more inclusive agricultural market. Agribusiness in emerging markets has seen an increase in private equity and other forms of investment. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Changing the norm, making agriculture “cool” for young people

This opinion paper discusses the perception of people on agriculture as a profession. Attracting the youth to agriculture requires a shift in the perception of agriculture as a subsistence activity to a viable business enterprise and also creating the enabling environment, which employs a modern approach to farming that raises productivity, making agriculture an attractive venture. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Multi-stakeholder framework for intervening in Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) seed systems: User’s guide

This working paper presents a tool, designed to help any interested person to understand root, tuber and banana (RTB) seed systems or for use during planning, monitoring, and implementation of interventions in them. RTB crops are important for food security and commerce, especially in the tropics. »