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July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Approaches aiming at sustainable production

This publication presents various agricultural approaches aimed at improving agricultural practices and contributing to a more sustainable world. The report starts with a short introduction of seven key approaches: agroecology, sustainable intensification, climate smart agriculture, landscape approaches, conservation agriculture, organic farming and inclusive green growth. »

July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture

This blog elaborates on the challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture. It states that over the past several years, there has been increasing evidence regarding the importance of women’s economic participation, both for the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality, as well as for the economic well-being of families, communities, sectors and nations.  »

July 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agronomy for development: The politics of knowledge in agricultural research

This book edited by James Sumberg, analyzes the knowledge politics of agronomy and sheds new lights on current debates about agricultural development and food security. Over the last decade there has been renewed interest in food security and the state of the global food system. »

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of wild fruits and vegetables in delivering a balanced and healthy diet

This review explores literature on wild fruits and vegetables with a special emphasis on some of the poorest regions of the world and with the lowest consumption figures of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, it looks at the role of wild fruits and vegetables in the diet with a view to uncover their possible role in delivering a healthy and balanced diet. »

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Painting by numbers: The big picture for gender equality

This blogpost by highlights the challenges related to sex-disaggregated data collection and the limited availability of accurate statistics that reflect the reality of women in poor, rural parts of the world. »

July 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Social Games: An innovative way of engaging with sustainable diets research

This case study report elaborates on a novel method, e.g. the “Diet Dimensions” policy game, to engage researchers, policymakers and key stakeholders to generate and inform policies for healthier and more sustainable food systems and diets. The game is a new way of interacting with sustainable diets research. »