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August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Researchers refute claim that world needs to double food production

This blog discusses a recent study, which challenges the familiar assertion that “to feed the world, we need to double food production by 2050.” The authors of the study aim to balance this narrative by laying out quantitative and compelling mid-century targets for both production and the environment. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Contract farming as part of a multi-instrument inclusive business structure

This article discusses contract farming agreements, which are presently being restructured to form part of more complex inclusive business set-ups. Additional instruments, alongside contract farming, are implemented to overcome the challenges of contract farming and to adapt to the policy environment. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women’s land rights as a pathway to poverty reduction: A framework and review of available evidence

This report reviews the literature on women’s land rights and poverty reduction. Despite the large body of literature on the relationship between land tenure security, livelihoods, and poverty, most of this literature is based on household-level data and does not consider possible intra-household inequalities in land ownership. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reality of food losses: A new measurement methodology

This paper aims to improve the methodology used to measure food loss across food value chains and to identify the causes of food loss. The traditionally used measurement methodology is tested with three new methodologies that aim to reduce the measurement error in assessing the magnitude of food loss. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Seven ways seed systems help the world’s poor

This blog explains different ways how effective seed systems help the world’s poor. An effective seed system can help mitigate the impact of pressures due to climate change by helping smallholder farmers access quality materials that increase crop yields and are responsive to the challenges they face in their fields. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Nutrition sensitive value chains: Theory, progress, and open questions

This article takes a consumer focus on the value chains to consider the types of interventions that could lead to improved intakes of micronutrient-rich foods. Additionally, it reviews the present literature on the types of value chain assessments, interventions, and initiatives that are attempting to improve nutrition as well as potential future directions. »