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November 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Societal effects of food: An exploration of a new methodology

This publication discusses a method to map the societal effects of food production and consumption and the relative size of those effects. It uses six capital categories: financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, natural and social and relationship capital, which are subdivided to cover all relevant societal effects of food. »

November 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of digital payments in sustainable agriculture and food security

This report examines how shifting to digital payments can provide powerful solutions to help countries improve agricultural productivity and ensure food security, bringing higher incomes and greater financial inclusion. »

November 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Large-scale food fortification: An overview of trends and challenges in low- and middle-income countries in 2017

This report provides an overview of the state of large-scale food fortification in the world. It has an emphasis on gaps and challenges to the scaling-up of the fortification of staple foods to populations that would benefit. »

November 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small Grants, Big Impacts

This policy brief shows how small grants work, why they are effective, and how governments, international institutions and donors could use them to ensure that funding comes to the right place. Small grants funds, which are set up locally, can form the link between large donors and grassroots organisations. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Building resilience through sustainable groundwater use

This brief elaborates on the importance of sustainable groundwater use and management for improved agricultural production. The authors argue that using groundwater for agricultural production has the potential to build resilience in food insecure regions of the world. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global Nutrition Report 2017: Nourishing the SDGs

This report shows that ending malnutrition in all its forms will catalyze improved outcomes across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The analysis shows there are five core areas that run through the SDGs to which nutrition can contribute, and in turn, benefit from. »