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December 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Internet of things for agriculture

This webinar series highlights the innovation, business models, and demonstration of results on the ground for applying Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture. IoT – networks of objects that communicate with other objects through Internet – holds potential to transform today’s agriculture by enabling more precise resources management through low-cost sensors and generating large amount of data for effective decision-making. »

December 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Guidelines: assessing landscape governance – a participatory approach

This manual introduces a method of assessing landscape governance in a participatory way. Landscape governance relates to how rules and decision-making address overlapping claims and conflicting interests in the landscape. »

December 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reaching deep in low-income markets: Enterprises achieving impact, sustainability, and scale at the base of the pyramid

This report covers 20 well-established inclusive businesses and explores whether and how businesses can reach ‘down pyramid’. Most enterprises that were studied are able to reach base of the pyramid (BOP) populations with critical goods and services and some are able to reach surprisingly deep. »

December 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Multisectoral nutrition programming: FANTA achievements and lessons learned

This report discusses the broad scope and range of FANTA’s multisectoral nutrition programming activities in developing countries. Multisectoral nutrition programming enables to address the multifactorial causes of national nutrition challenges by linking and integrating program design, delivery, and evaluation across disciplines and sectors. »

December 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Value chain innovations for technology transfer in developing and emerging economies: Conceptual issues, typology, and policy implications

This article addresses the question how value chain organization and innovations can have an important impact on modern technology adoption. The adoption of modern technologies in agriculture is crucial for improving productivity of poor farmers and poverty reduction. »

December 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
System of crop intensification for more productive, resource-conserving, climate-resilient, and sustainable agriculture: experience with diverse crops in varying agroecologies

This article reviews what is becoming known about various farmer-centred innovations for agroecological crop management that can contribute to agricultural sustainability. These changes represent the emerging system of crop intensification, which is being increasingly applied in Asian, African, and Latin American countries.  »