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April 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Nutrition sensitive value chains: Theory, progress, and open questions

This paper takes a consumer focus on value chains to consider the types of interventions that could lead to improved intakes of micronutrient-rich foods, and reviews the present literature on the types of value chain assessments, interventions, and initiatives that are attempting to improve nutrition. »

April 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

This note provides guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. »

March 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth for growth: Transforming economies through agriculture

This report provides a framework for the joint objective of global youth engagement and global food security. According to the authors, it is crucial that policymakers adopt a youth-inclusive agricultural development agenda aimed at transforming the agrifood system. »

March 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Global report on food crises 2018

The 2018 Global Report on Food Crises provides the latest estimates of severe hunger in the world. An estimated 124 million people in 51 countries are currently facing crisis food insecurity or worse. New or intensified and protracted conflict or insecurity, the main drivers of food insecurity. »

March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Global food policy report 2018

The global food policy report of IFPRI is a reoccurring publication providing a synthesis of all major developments regarding food policy. The report reviews the major food policy issues of 2017 and presents a critical analysis on global food systems under current radical changes. »

March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
“Measurement drives diagnosis and response”: Gaps in transferring food security assessment to the urban scale

This paper (PDF) in the Food Policy journal highlights the urban transition and attendant food security challenges, and reflects on existing food security measurement methods in the urban context. The understanding of food security has seen major shifts since the original conceptualisations of the challenge. These changes in understanding have been accompanied by different food security »