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January 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Social-cultural processes and urban affordances for healthy and susainable food consumption

This paper provides an overview of research highlighting the relation between cultural processes, social norms, and food choices, discussing the implication of these findings for the promotion of more sustainable lifestyles. Development of evidence-based policies in the domain of more sustainable food choices could be based on a combination of cultural and education interventions with urban planning management and transformation. »

January 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
The challenge of food systems research: What difference does it make?

This article aims to assess the conceptual challenges and practical opportunities for analysing the structure and performance of food systems, and identifies how food systems analysis could deliver new and innovative insights for nutrition policy in developing countries. »

January 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Income growth and climate change effects on global nutrition security to mid-century

This article explores future macronutrient and micronutrient adequacy with combined biophysical and socio-economic scenarios that are country-specific, projecting to the year 2050. In all projected scenarios for 2050, the average benefits of widely shared economic growth, if achieved, are much greater than the modelled negative effects of climate change. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems in protracted crises: Strengthening resilience against shocks and conflicts

This literature review provides an overview of the recent evidence on what food systems look like in protracted crises and the interventions mentioned in the literature to build more resilient food systems against shocks and conflicts. Interventions in food systems that increase food security and nutrition are important to reduce violence and conflict and to become more resilient to shocks. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agriculture & food systems to 2050: Global trends, challenges and opportunities

This book features a comprehensive foresight assessment, exploring the pressures, threats as well as opportunities, on the global agriculture and food systems between now and 2050. Food systems thinking can help identify synergies and trade-offs between the SDGs, and indicate leverage points for policies and interventions. »

December 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
The time is ripe for climate adaptation in agriculture

This blog argues that adaptation efforts fall short of those who need them the most: the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Crops are already being lost by pests and invasive species. This is getting worse due to climate change, by impacting the biology, distribution and outbreaks potential of pests and invasive species across land uses and landscapes. »