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February 3, 2020Knowledge Portal
Incentivizing food systems transformation

This report outlines four pathways for creating the right incentives to transform food systems. Incentivizing food systems transformation will not be straightforward and will require substantial investments and efforts to manage complexities and trade-offs. In addition, incentive mechanisms in food systems will have a greater impact if they are complemented by incentives from other sectors. »

January 22, 2020Knowledge Portal
Implementing gender transformative approaches in agriculture

This discussion paper provides an understanding of the Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) and highlight implications for their implementations by the United Nations Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs). The potential of GTAs lies in the radical proposition of attempting to address the foundations of gender inequity. The implications for implementation include the need for conceptual clarity and integrity; the role of external agents in normative change; approaches to learning about, and capacity‐strengthening for, implementing GTAs; problematizing the scaling of GTAs; and the need for organizational introspection and preparedness. »

January 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
The global institutional landscape of food and agriculture: How to achieve SDG2

This paper describes the food and agriculture (F&A) global institutional landscape and its challenges and looks at ongoing reform efforts and their shortcomings. »

January 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
Money matters: The role of yields and profits in agricultural technology adoption

This article states that despite the growing attention to technology adoption in the economics literature, knowledge gaps remain regarding why some valuable technologies are rapidly adopted, while others are not. This paper contributes to our understanding of agricultural technology adoption by showing that a focus on yield gains may, in some contexts, be misguided. »

January 13, 2020Knowledge Portal
The state of food and agriculture 2019: Food loss and waste is a global issue

This SOFA report acknowledges the need to reduce food loss and waste, presents new insights on what is known and what is not, and provides guidance on how to target interventions and policies depending on policymakers’ objectives and the information available.The report also offers a comprehensive analysis of the critical loss points in specific supply chains, thus providing examples on appropriate measures for an effective reduction. »

January 8, 2020Knowledge Portal
Partnering for inclusive business in food provisioning

This review aims to unravel how partnering processes relate to processes of inclusion in the context of food provisioning. In food provisioning, inclusion has two key dimensions: the inclusion of (low-income) consumers to increase levels of food security, and the inclusion of smallholder producers to promote inclusive economic growth. »