Guidelines for innovation platforms in agricultural research for development
This publication (PDF) from IITA, WUR, and CGIAR-RTB provides guidelines for creating successful innovation platforms in agricultural research for development (AR4D). Innovation Platforms are an increasingly popular approach to enhancing multi-stakeholder collaboration in AR4D programmes. As the name indicates, Innovation Platforms have an innovation objective, that is, the introduction and utilization of any new knowledge (technological or other) in an economic or social process. Although innovation platforms have been successful in addressing agricultural challenges, there is a risk that they are promoted as a panacea for all problems in the agricultural sector. These guidelines support development funders and project developers in thinking about when and in what form innovation platforms can contribute effectively to achieving research and development objectives. The guidelines aim to support actors in: 1) Reflecting on when and under what conditions Innovation Platforms are an appropriate mechanism to foster collective action and innovation for resolving agricultural development problems and capitalizing on opportunities; 2) Designing Innovation Platforms, including the definition of realistic goals, facilitation mechanisms, timelines, responsibilities, and how to measure outcomes and impact; 3) Allocating necessary resources, creating the enabling conditions required for the effective implementation of Innovation Platforms, and developing metrics to assess their impact. The guidelines also contain reference materials, Frequently Asked Questions and a decision support tool for research, development and funding agencies.
Please also have a look at the blog of lead author Marc Shut on the publication.