Gender Platform 2017 – 2019 highligths brochure
This 2017 – 2019 highlights brochure (PDF) of the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research (the Gender Platform) reflects on three years of CGIAR gender research. From January 2017 through December 2019, the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research (the ‘Gender Platform’) built on the system-wide gender network established in 2011 to increase the visibility and impact of CGIAR gender research; to develop capacity for doing better gender research in agriculture and natural resource management domains; to set and support a CGIAR-wide gender research agenda; and to foster strategic partnerships both internally and with key actors in the global gender research community. The Gender Platform was based in the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) serving all CGIAR Research Programs and Centers and was coordinated by KIT Royal Tropical Institute. This brochure highlights a selection of outcomes tracing the footprint of the Gender Platform through its four areas of intervention: research agenda-setting, engaging, strengthening and showcasing.
Please visit the CGIAR GENDER platform website for more information on the platforms recent developments.
The Gender Platform’s work and results in 2017-2019 includes research funded through the CGIAR Trust Fund (W2), to which the Netherlands is a critical funding partner.