Effects of drying and storage management on fungi (Aflatoxin B1) accumulation and rice quality in Cambodia
This article (PDF) in the Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics determines the effects of different field drying and storage practices on fungi accumulation and milled rice quality in Cambodia. Rice postharvest practices of farmers incur losses that limit supply and affect global production. Aside from physical losses, quality can be affected, leading to a possible accumulation of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) that is harmful to humans when ingested. This is particularly important for countries like Cambodia that aim for both food security and rice exports. This study looked into Cambodian conditions where rice is stored as paddy and milled as white rice. The study had four drying treatments and four storage treatments, in a randomized complete block (RCB) design. Tests were done for moisture content (MC), milling quality, germination rate, and AFB1 accumulation. Different field drying treatments used, as well as duration and type of storage had no significant effect on the accumulation of AFB1 in rice. AFB1 content detected was not significant and much lower than current standard EU limitations. Milled rice quality was higher with limited or no field drying. Storing in IRRI-Superbag at 14% MC resulted in higher germination than in other treatments. Storing in IRRI-Superbag at 16% MC, however, resulted in lower head rice recovery than in the other three treatments. Reducing field drying and storing hermetically at 14% MC could therefore potentially reduce rice postharvest losses.