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Launch of LANDac’s new gender program
LAUNCH: Securing Women’s Land Rights in Africa
Thursday May 11, 2017 Image: LANDac
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


May 11, 2017
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Academiegebouw, Belle van Zuylenzaal
Domplein 29
Utrecht, 3512 JE Netherlands
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LANDac is launching its new gender program, funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Securing women’s land rights Africa: Scaling up impact in Senegal, Kenya, Malawi, and Mozambique.”

The event includes a kick-off with Barbara Codispoti (Oxfam Novib) and Michelle Nuijen (LANDac) and a reflection panel led by gender expert Caroline Archambault (Leiden University) and Karin van Boxtel (Both Ends).
Take advantage of the opportunity to help define the road map through a lively discussion on how to link-up with initiatives on the ground and use research findings to influence policy.


In the developing world, the majority of people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods and food security, and land is typically their most important asset. Secure rights to land are therefore especially important: they have a substantial impact on the ability and willingness of farmers to make investments and adopt productivity-enhancing inputs; they also provide households with enhanced food security and the ability to produce for local, regional, and global markets.

Despite their key role, women typically do not have equal rights over land and natural resources. Especially in Africa, gender discrimination prevents women from realizing their full potential and contributing to sustainable development. There is a growing momentum to further strengthen women’s access to and control over land and natural resources and opportunities for scaling proven approaches exist.

LANDac and African partners, including ENDA Pronat in Senegal, GROOTS and ActionAid in Kenya, ADECRU and Fórum Mulher in Mozambique, and Oxfam in Malawi, have received €500,000 from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement a year-long program on scaling up women’s land rights in Africa.

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