Empirical examination of the constraints and causes of crop seed losses in Ghana
This article (PDF) published in the Journal of Crop Improvements states that development interventions have endeavored to improve the availability of improved seeds to enhance agricultural productivity in West African sub-region. The objective of this study, therefore, was to examine the constraints of seed production and the causes of seed losses in Northern Ghana. Primary data was used on farm information collected from 62 seed producers in northern Ghana. The results indicated that high input costs, undeveloped marketing system and seed distribution channels, erratic rainfall pattern, and inadequate machinery constituted the main challenges for seed producers. Field pests, poor storage structures, poor farm hygiene, and poor bagging process significantly influenced seed losses. Recommended is, among other interventions, that agricultural policies of Ghana, such as “the planting for food and jobs” and the agricultural input subsidy program, provide seed producers with technical and financial support to reduce cost of production and seed losses. There is also the need to strengthen seed trade associations to provide technical backstopping and the needed services to actors in the seed value chain of Ghana.