Donor open data policy and practice: An analysis of five agriculture programmes
This report (PDF) by Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN) shows results of a review of policy and data quality in five jointly funded agriculture programs in order to identify the opportunities for agriculture donors to align their approaches. This research was commissioned by a group of donors to understand the opportunities for donors to make open data implementation more efficient and streamlined for their implementing research partners. As a first step, donors should share existing tools and data standards that support good open data practice. The second key area where donors can make a difference is around shared commitments towards shifting
the culture of data sharing, publication and use across the agriculture sector. Therefore the donors are called upon to: 1) Join a global funder dialogue with other donors, researchers, and research institutions. 2) Support and adopt common policy principles. 3) Share approaches towards dealing with ethical considerations. 4) Promote good open data practice among those receiving funding by regularly monitoring compliance and articulating clear expectations regarding budget allocations to ensure open data. 5) Increase engagement and introduce practical projects to promote data reuse and innovation. 6) Collect data use stories to demonstrate value and impacts of research data. 7) Support the capacity of implementing research partners to improve data availability, accessibility, discoverability and quality. 8) Adopt shared guidelines, tools and templates aimed at reducing the time and cost of policy compliance. 9) Incentivize researchers to publish by rewarding good quality data production. 10) Sustainably resource data publication and management.