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March 31st, 2015

City regions as landscapes for people, food and nature

Published by The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative,

This publication (PDF) by The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative is focused on how agriculture provides important and reciprocal benefits to the sustainable development of both rural and urban communities. The paper provides short examples of cities, initiatives and projects from around the world with key lessons learned and good practices. Three thematic sections are covered: 1) equity, economic development and the right to food; 2) planning for an urban rural continuum that links biodiversity and agriculture and 3) health, food and nutrition security in an ecosystem context. Furthermore, linkages between urban and rural governing and policy pathways for resilient city region food systems are described. The author argues that creating sustainable city region food systems with durable urban rural linkages will require support at all levels of government. Five key recommendations are made.

Curated from peoplefoodandnature.org