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Poultry in East-Africa Event
Regional trade
Wednesday June 21, 2017 Image: via Flickr (by: Victor Bautista)
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm


June 21, 2017
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Nederlands Pluimvee Museum
Hessenweg 2a
Barneveld, 3771 RB Netherlands
+ Google Map


Wageningen UR
Dutch Poultry Centre
VIV Worldwide

On June 21, 2017, the Dutch Poultry Centre (DPC), VIV worldwide and the Netherlands – African Business Council (NABC) organize an event to inform Dutch poultry companies about poultry in East-Africa, mainly the sectors in Uganda and Rwanda.

The Ambassadors of Rwanda and Uganda will be welcomed and the first findings of the East-Africa poultry report performed by WUR and NABC on behalf of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform will be released. Besides that, VIV worldwide and NABC will share information about the poultry trade mission to Uganda and Rwanda, including the Poultry Africa 2017 Expo & Leadership Conference for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Please visit the website for the programme of the afternoon which will be closed with a BBQ hosted by DPC. Please register via this link for the event and for the BBQ via Irina Tutert . Please do not hesitate to contact Irina Tutert or Daphne Meijer-Willems for questions.

For more information on the study of the East-African poultry report that is presented at the event and supported by the F&BKP, see this article.

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