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Discussion paper: Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability
May 14, 2018Study
Discussion paper: Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability
Theme: Food security and stability

To inform ongoing discussions on result indicators at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a discussion paper was published by The Broker entitled “Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability”. The paper was used to stimulate discussion among policymakers at the Food Security Exchange Week. »

Youth in Agricultural Cooperatives: a two-way street?
April 5, 2018Study
Youth in Agricultural Cooperatives: a two-way street?
Theme: Youth in agrofood systems

This new explorative study, conducted by KIT, WCDI and YPARD, provides insights directly from youth through case studies in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It explores the potential advantages and challenges of cooperative membership for young women and men, and the advantages and challenges for cooperatives to increase youth participation. »

Knowledge Portal survey: results
April 5, 2018Study
Knowledge Portal survey: results

The Knowledge Portal started in March 2015 and was evaluated by means of a survey end 2017. This survey revealed that overall, the respondents are positive about the Portal in its current format. Clearly, the different backgrounds and interest of the respondents asks for different needs, but the overall consensus is that the Portal has added value for professionals working in the field of Food and Nutrition Security. »

Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways
April 3, 2018Study
Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways
Theme: Nutrition Security

Increased agricultural productivity does not automatically translate to improved nutrition. That is the main challenge addressed in a new report “Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways: Key insights from a gender analysis of impact evaluation design” published by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), in collaboration with the F&BKP. »

New study challenges funds and governments to invest in African agrifood SMEs
March 14, 2018Study
New study challenges funds and governments to invest in African agrifood SMEs

The study “Critical Capital for African Agrifood SMEs” evaluates the access of risk capital by agrifood small and medium enterprises. SMEs are key for establishing sustainable food systems, while at the same time face difficulties to access capital. The report was published end of February 2018 by Rabobank Foundation, AgriProFocus and ICCO Cooperation, and supported by the F&BKP. »

RUAF policy brief “The Role of the Private Sector in City Region Food Systems”
February 19, 2018Study
RUAF policy brief “The Role of the Private Sector in City Region Food Systems”
Theme: Food Systems Approach

Increased recognition of the role that food can play in responding to various urban sustainability concerns provides new market and engagement opportunities for the private sector. RUAF Foundation published a policy brief that reports on a recent study, implemented by RUAF and supported by the F&BKP and the CGIAR Water Land and Ecosystems Programme, on the role of the private sector in building more sustainable and resilient city region food systems. »