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February 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sustaining Peace Webinar I – The role of conflict-sensitive natural resource management approaches

This webinar by FAO explores the nexus between conflict, food security and peace. It examined the linkages between natural resource management, investment in resilient agricultural livelihoods and contributions to peacebuilding and sustaining peace. »

February 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Poverty reduction during the rural–urban transformation

This article in the Journal of Policy Modeling, focuses on poverty reduction during the rural–urban transformation and argues that rural development is still more important than urbanisation. Given that a rapid population growth or rural–urban migration is likely to increase poverty, more emphasis should be placed on policies that enhance support for rural agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, according to the authors. »

February 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Protected cultivation of vegetable crops in sub-Saharan Africa: Limits and prospects for smallholders. A review

This article presents an overview of the agronomic, economic, and environmental performances of low-tech protected cultivation techniques (PCT) in sub-Saharan Africa. Technology transfer and the adoption of PCT affordable for smallholders are believed to be able to feed the increasing population and fight malnutrition. »

February 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Can agricultural aspirations influence preferences for new technologies

This paper describes a choice experiment framed around the hypothetical subsidized purchase of a drip irrigation system in Pakistan. This study identified a clear increase in the valuation of the drip system by farmers after a few years of drip experience. »

February 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth involvement in agribusiness: Examples from Africa

This blog by The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) suggests that agribusiness can provide jobs for young people and help African countries achieve development goals. The blog highlights several successful youth-owned agribusinesses examples. It also builds on this online discussion: Engaging African Youth in Agribusiness in a Changing Climate, a platform to discuss critical issues facing African youths. »

February 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Future of food : shaping the food system to deliver jobs

This paper from the World Bank focuses on how the food system can deliver jobs and provides a framework for understanding the factors that determine the number and quality of jobs in the sector. The paper also highlights a set of actions that countries can adopt, adapt, and apply to their own circumstances to strengthen the food system’s contribution to employment. The authors find that more can be done to strengthen the food system’s contribution to jobs by supporting growth in food value chains, ensuring that policies and investments improve the quality and quantity of jobs, and facilitating the inclusion of more women and youth. »