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March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
“Measurement drives diagnosis and response”: Gaps in transferring food security assessment to the urban scale

This paper (PDF) in the Food Policy journal highlights the urban transition and attendant food security challenges, and reflects on existing food security measurement methods in the urban context. The understanding of food security has seen major shifts since the original conceptualisations of the challenge. These changes in understanding have been accompanied by different food security »

March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Developing climate-smart agriculture to face climate variability in West Africa: Challenges and lessons learnt

This paper reviews the prospects for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) development and promotion in West Africa, as well as lessons learnt and challenges with a focus on climate change and variability. CSA seems to be a suitable approach to address the challenges of building synergies among climate change mitigation, adaptation and food security and minimize their potential negative trade-offs. »

March 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scaling up innovations through adaptive research: An institutional analysis and lessons from farm science centers in India

This discussion paper presents a case study and lessons learned from an attempt to scale up a set of aquaculture innovations through adaptive research trials involving small-scale fish farmers in Odisha, India. »

March 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Indonesia

This report summarizes a number of studies to determine how to design nutrition-sensitive value chains for smallholders in Indonesia. The researchers suggest that strengthened value chains for foods could make business sense for smallholders and lay the foundations for a strong local food system that sustainably delivers nutritious foods for healthy diets. »

March 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
The fine line between trusting and cheating: Exploring relationships between actors in Ugandan pineapple value chains.

This article examined the creation and maintenance of business relationships as well as challenges faced based on semi-structured interviews with farmers, brokers and traders.. Findings show how trust unfolds to mediate exchange relations that structure chain organisation. »

March 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sell low and buy high: Arbitrage and local price effects in Kenyan markets

This paper explores the role of financial market imperfections in contributing to farmers’ apparent inability to exploit  arbitrage opportunity. Large and regular seasonal price fluctuations in local grain markets appear to offer African farmers substantial inter-temporal arbitrage opportunities »