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April 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth migration and labour constraints in African agrarian households

This article in The Journal of Development Studies  studies how youth migration affects household labour, hired labour demand, and income, and whether these effects vary by migrant sex and destination. Panel data is used from Ethiopia and Malawi. »

April 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Nutrition sensitive value chains: Theory, progress, and open questions

This paper takes a consumer focus on value chains to consider the types of interventions that could lead to improved intakes of micronutrient-rich foods, and reviews the present literature on the types of value chain assessments, interventions, and initiatives that are attempting to improve nutrition. »

April 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Diet and eating practices among adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review

This systematic review aims to summarize current dietary intakes, patterns, and practices of adolescent girls (ages 10–19 years) in low- and middle-income countries. Adolescent girls in LMIC have poor nutrition profiles, including high risks for undernutrition, overweight/obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies. »

April 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Webinar series: Farmers’ access to data

This webinar series on farmers’ access to data is a follow-up of a face-to-face course. The first webinar is called ‘Data-driven agriculture overview’, the second ‘Key data for farmers’, and the third ‘Accelerating market adoptation and use of data by smallholders’. »

April 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
Relevance of informal institutions for achieving sustainable crop intensification in Uganda

This paper analyzes the influence of informal institutions on farmers’ access to land resources, financial resources, and farm inputs to achieve Sustainable Crop Intensification (SCI). Results indicate that informal institutions play a central role in enhancing farmers’ investment in SCI interventions. »

April 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

This note provides guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. »