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June 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Post-harvest losses: Global scale, solutions, and relevance to Ghana

This report focuses on post-harvest losses (PHL) in the horticulture sector of Ghana to quantify the extent and drives of loss of specific crops in specific contexts to identify the most cost-effective solution. Horticulture has great growth potential in Ghana, so returns to PHL prevention are expected to be high. »

June 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Land right as a critical factor in donor agricultural investments: Constraints and opportunities for YieldWise in Kenya’s mango value chain

This article provides an overview of the land tenure situation concerning Kenyan mango farmers. The two main issues raised are the risks born of the tenure insecure situations of women and youth. »

June 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
School feeding or general food distribution? Quasi-experimental evidence on the educational impacts of emergency food assistance during conflict in Mali

This report investigates the effects of emergency school feeding and general food distribution (GFD) on children’s schooling during conflict in Mali. School feeding led to increases in enrolment by 11 percentage points and to about an additional half-year of completed schooling. »

June 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agroforestry: Why don’t farmers plant more trees?

This blog focuses around the question: why isn’t every farmer planting trees? Agroforestry has proven to cultivate more diverse, productive and profitable crops, helps protect the environment and gives financial benefits. The main reasons farmer resist agroforestry are described as well as opportunities for adoption. »

June 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
Income elasticities for food, calories, and nutrient across Africa: A meta-analysis

This paper aims to provide better understanding of the relationship between income growth and the demand for different types of food, nutrients and calories in Africa by conducting a meta-analysis of income elasticity estimates. Almost all income elasticities reported are positive. »

May 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Reward food companies for improving nutrition

This expert opinion argues that governments must provide incentives for businesses to fix the global food system, not just punish them for acting irresponsibly. Giving incentives could make the main investors in the food system play a more positive part in improving nutrition, as argued by Lawrence Haddad. »