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July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Fish consumption in urban Lusaka: The need for aquaculture to improve targeting of the poor

This paper aims to generate information on the fish consumption patterns of poor urban households and explore the role of aquaculture as a source of fish among poor urban households in Zambia. Results imply that the poorest households are less likely to supplement their diets with fish products from aquaculture. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scoping study to strengthen the Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Dairy Sector in East Africa

This study assessed the need, relevance, priorities, limitations and possible modalities of an East African Dairy Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) project. Potential for Netherlands support to have impact at scale would be to support a range of interested training organizations. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
The business case for a landscape approach to sustainable beef production in Brazil

This study provides a business case for a landscape approach to sustainable beef production in Brazil. Cattle ranch São Marcelo is seeking to support the increase in production of sustainable, zero-deforestation, traceable beef in order to meet customer demand for such products. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
How can health, agriculture and economic policy actors work together to enhance the external food environment for fruit and vegetables? A qualitative policy analysis in India

This study aims to identify opportunities to strengthen food system policy for nutrition, for fruit and vegetables in India. The study identified three strategies for fruit and vegetable supply policy actors, which can help address the interdisciplinary disconnect between nutrition, economics and agriculture. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Application of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology for the improvement of crops cultivated in the tropical climates: Recent progress, prospects and challenges

This review examines the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in improvement of tropical crops, how it can be applied to improve crops and product quality, and address challenges pertaining to tropical crops. Many success stories on application of CRISPR/Cas9 in genome editing of tropical crops have not been reported yet. »

July 24, 2018Knowledge Portal
Socio-economic, marketing and gender aspects of village chicken production in the tropics: A review of literature

This literature review focusses on the socio-economic, gender and marketing aspects of chicken production in the tropics. Chicken production is the main stay of livelihoods of most rural households in developing countries. Large number of women in the household are actively engaged in chicken production. »