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August 2, 2018Knowledge Portal
Socio-economic, marketing and gender aspects of village chicken production in the tropics: A review of literature

This paper reviews the literature that focuses on the socio-economic, gender and marketing aspects of chicken production in the tropics. Chicken production contributes to food security, poverty alleviation and gender equality. However, the level of production and productivity is still low and constrained. »

August 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
The future of rural youth in developing countries

This study aims to shed light on the potential of local value chains to create more, better and sustainable jobs for rural youth in developing countries. Rural youth are turning their backs on small-scale agriculture, yet a growing local and regional demand for food represents a unique untapped opportunity. »

August 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda

This report clarifies the concepts of multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) and identifies the challenges. The primary benefit of MSPs is the mobilization and coordinated use of complementary resources. A major challenge is the tensions that can appear among partners in an MSP. »

July 31, 2018Knowledge Portal
Innovations to overcome the increasingly complex problems of hunger

This paper aims to assess alternative pathways toward overcoming hunger, with an emphasis on innovations. Key elements of inclusive policies and partnerships are agricultural development in the hunger-affected rural areas and communities to improve productivity will remain a major part of solutions. »

July 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural policy incentives in sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade (2005–2016)

This synthesis study summarizes policy monitoring indicators for 14 sub-Saharan African countries. These indicators are commonly used to assess the extent of policy support to agriculture. Results indicate increasing support to farmers in the form of price incentives. »

July 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural input subsidies for improving productivity, farm income, consumer welfare and wider growth in low- and lower-middle-income countries

This systematic review evaluates the impact of input subsidies on agricultural productivity, beneficiary incomes and welfare, consumer welfare and wider economic growth. Results show that subsidized fertilizers and seeds are associated with increased use of these inputs, higher agricultural yields and increased income. »