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November 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Brokering and facilitating NL funded PPPs: Understanding the role of Dutch embassies and the challenges they face

This publication explores Dutch embassies’ experiences in partnerships in food security and water with private sector involvement. The ‘from aid to trade agenda’ provokes a number of tensions for embassies. A case study was set up in Kenya to explore the role of the Public P in PPPs and to come up with new solutions for food security issues and develop the agribusiness sector in Kenya. »

November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Index-based livestock insurance as an innovative tool against drought loss: Good practices and impact analysis from northern Kenya

This report summarises findings on index-based livestock insurance (IBLI), a donor-funded programme aimed at designing, developing and implementing market-mediated, index-based insurance products to protect livestock keepers, particularly in the drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands. As a drought safety net, IBLI was fairly effective at protecting beneficiary households in northern Kenya against the worst effects of drought. »

November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Money matters: The role of yields and profits in agricultural technology adoption

This paper contributes to the understanding of agricultural technology adoption by showing that a focus on yield gains may, in some contexts, be misguided. Results suggest that economic measures of returns may be more relevant than increases in yields in explaining technology adoption decisions. »

November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Delivering on the promise of transformational change: What does it take for Dutch-supported PPPs?

This paper presents the main lessons from Dutch-supported public–private partnerships (PPPs) in food security and water, provides building blocks for making PPPs deliver on the SDGs, with fundamental implications for key partners in PPPs and policymakers. Taking into account the lessons from Dutch-supported PPPs and their challenges, the Dutch PPP approach is in need of recalibration. »

November 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
An empirical evaluation of policy options for inclusive dairy value chain development in Nicaragua: A system dynamics approach

This research tested and evaluated the short-, medium-, and long-term impacts of specific interventions and policies in the Matiguás dairy value chain with the goal of strengthening the competitiveness and inclusion of small- and medium-scale producers. »

November 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Overcoming gender gaps in rural mechanization: Lessons from reaper-harvester service provision in Bangladesh

This policy brief explores gender dynamics in emerging markets for agricultural machinery service provision in Bangladesh. Women benefit form managing and sometimes owning machinery services, as well as from the direct and indirect consequences of hiring such services to harvest their crops. However, a number of technical, economic and cultural barriers constrain women’s full participation in these benefits. »