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January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Indigenous vegetable production and the economic empowerment of rural women in Africa: Reality, prospects, and challenges in Rwanda

This study explores the role of rural women in the production of indigenous vegetables in Rwanda, especially in view of the preponderance of, and the consumer preference for, modern exotic vegetables in the country’s recent history. Furthermore, the study probes into the nutritional and economic importance of indigenous vegetables in Rwanda, with emphasis on how rural women stand to expand their earning power by upgrading their indigenous vegetable production capacity. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Drones on the horizon: Transforming Africa’s agriculture

This report provides a contextualized review of drones as a vital precision agriculture-enabling technology and its range of relevant uses for providing detailed and on-demand data in order to enhance decision-making by farmers and hence facilitate much needed support. The report considers drone technology for precision agriculture as a potential game-changer for the African continent. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
The role and challenges of the private seed sector in developing and disseminating climate-smart crop varieties in Eastern and Southern Africa

This article discusses the growth of the private seed sector since the seed industry in Eastern and Souther Africa (ESA) was deregulated, the importance of public-private partnerships in driving genetic gains for climate-smart (CS) traits, and the importance of developing a favourable regional regulatory environment that incentivises the private sector to rapidly scale out CS crop varieties »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agriculture & food systems to 2050: Global trends, challenges and opportunities

This book features a comprehensive foresight assessment, exploring the pressures, threats as well as opportunities, on the global agriculture and food systems between now and 2050. Food systems thinking can help identify synergies and trade-offs between the SDGs, and indicate leverage points for policies and interventions. »

December 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
The time is ripe for climate adaptation in agriculture

This blog argues that adaptation efforts fall short of those who need them the most: the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Crops are already being lost by pests and invasive species. This is getting worse due to climate change, by impacting the biology, distribution and outbreaks potential of pests and invasive species across land uses and landscapes. »

December 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
Effect of market access provided by farmer organizations on smallholder vegetable farmer’s income in Tanzania

This paper evaluates the effect of market accessed through farmer organizations on household income in Tanzania. Farmer organizations can benefit farmers by increasing their incomes and providing a good platform for the provision of farm inputs and marketing of produce, which can immensely enhance farm productivity and increase farmers’ incomes. »