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January 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Review: Role of herbivores in sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reviews the state of knowledge of the role of herbivores in sustainable intensification of key farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. In SSA, the integration of livestock into farming systems is important for sustainable agriculture as the recycling of nutrients for crop production through returns of animal manure is a central element of the dominant mixed crop-livestock systems. The pathways to sustainable agriculture in SSA include intensification of production and livelihood diversification. »

January 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Gendered ownership of aquaculture resources: Insights from two villages in Bangladesh

This brief uses a gender lens to understand the nuanced gaps, perceptions and practices of ownership in aquaculture in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, however, there remains a large gendered gap in asset ownership. Ownership is perceived and experienced differently by men and women: women more often experience psychological ownership while men more frequently claim legal ownership »

January 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Shaping the future of global food systems: A scenarios analysis

This report presents four scenarios for the future of global food systems. These possible futures of global food systems broaden perspectives about alternative future environments. The report aims to challenge global leaders to think in new ways about the future and to motivate action on key issues that will shape the global food systems. The key question is: How will food systems nutritiously and sustainable feed 8.5 billion people in 2030? »

January 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
Digital platforms for smallholder credit access: The mediation of trust for cooperation in maize value chain financing

This article aims to asses to what extent information and communicative mechanisms of digital platforms facilitate trust building for value chain credit cooperation in smallholder maize farming in Ghana. Digital Platforms (DPs) show potential to help overcome some information and communication gaps that impede traditional value chain credit arrangements. »

January 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
Scaling up climate services for smallholder farmers: Learning from practice

These six papers in a special issue of Climate Risk Management presents innovations, insights and evidence from efforts to make climate services work for smallholder farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Identifying the intended users and understanding how their identities, roles and responsibilities within larger agrarian communities to which they belong impact their climate service needs and ability to act on the information provided. »

January 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
The recipe for success: How policy-makers can integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into actions to end malnutrition

This report aims to provide a toolkit to stimulate debate and discussion of the options and opportunities to bring together water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and nutrition policies and programmes. National governments and donors, and both nutrition and WASH actors need to shift mindsets; develop ambitious policies and plans; create effective coordination mechanisms and flexible funding; and share lessons and experiences globally. »