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August 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Rebuilding pastoralist livelihoods during and after conflict

This review synthesises findings from discussions on approaches to support pastoral livelihoods during and after conflict. In order to be successful in unstable environments, development initiatives (including livelihoods support) should be both stabilisation-oriented (providing better access to physical and livelihood security for populations) and conflict-sensitive. Poorly designed pastoral development interventions that do not fully take the drivers of conflict and violence into account can create more instability and exacerbate conflicts. »

August 8, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mapping obesogenic food environments in South Africa and Ghana: Correlations and contradictions

This paper explores correlations and linkages between neighbourhood food environments and household food environments, with particular emphasis on the risk they pose for obesity. The results reveal that household food environments promoting obesity appear correlated with neighbourhood food environments, which make obesogenic foods accessible and available. They also suggest that poverty is a powerful determinant not only of household consumption and purchasing but also of local food environments. »

August 8, 2019Knowledge Portal
Climate change and land

The report addresses greenhouse gas fluxes in land-based ecosystems, land use and sustainable land management in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation, desertification, land degradation and food security. Climate change has adversely impacted food security and terrestrial ecosystems, and contributed to desertificatin and land degradation. On the other hand, changes in land conditions affect the global and regional climate, Appropriate design of policies, institutions and governance systems at all scales can contribute to land-related adaptation and mitigation while facilitating the pursuit of climate-adaptive development pathways. »

August 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
2019 Rural Development Report: Creating opportunities for rural youth

This report attempts to inform policies, programmes, and investments to promote a rural transformation that is inclusive of rural youth. Rural youth development is powered by improvements in three mutually-reinforcing factors: productivity, connectivity and agency. To improve opportunities for rural youth policies and investments have to be integrated into national and local strategies, policies and programmes. »

August 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Transforming food systems under climate change: Local to global policy as a catalyst for change

This working paper discusses how policy should bring transformative change for food systems to become sustainable, resilient, climate smart and inclusive, while delivering affordable, culturally appropriate, healthy diets for all. Transformation demands participation and action from all actors. »

July 30, 2019Knowledge Portal
A step towards resilience: Pioneering market systems development in humanitarian response

This study had the goal to identify and increase market access and incomes for South Sudanese refugee and local community households who were interested in commercial agriculture in Uganda. Results showed changed behaviours among all market actors, which are positive indicators of early market system change. Further, the results revealed the significance of social captical and relationships in accessing goods and information. »