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April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Livestock population dynamics and pastoral communities’ adaptation to rainfall variability in Botswana

In this study in Pastoralism Journal, drought severity and the impact of rainfall variability on livestock population and adaptation practices were investigated in Kgalagadi, Botswana, a district that is vulnerable to recurring mild droughts. »

April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Small and growing: entrepreneurship in African agriculture

This report (PDF) from the Montpellier Panel argues that investment in rural and food sector entrepreneurship, particularly amongst Africa’s growing youth population, can do more than achieve sustainable food and nutrition security for the continent: it can create jobs, wealth and robust livelihoods. The report’s recommendations include: (i) the establishment of programmes in order to »

April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Young people, agriculture, and employment in rural Africa

This paper (PDF) by UNU-WIDER examines the current interest in addressing the problem of young people’s unemployment in Africa through agriculture. It aims to address what role policy and associated programmes and projects can play in re-aligning rural young people’s engagement with agriculture. By use of two overarching concepts, transition and mobility, a conceptual framework is introduced that could be used as a lens for the analysis of policies, programmes and projects involving young people and agriculture in Africa. »

April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
How a mix of livestock and crops on small farms will feed the world

This article in the Kenya’s Standard Digital newspaper, highlights the important role that mixed livestock and crop farms will play in feeding the world in coming years. The article cites research by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) that showed that ‘farmers and policymakers need to turn their attention to mixed farming systems’. The article highlights »

April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
The prospect of low-carbon rice production: lessons from China

This article (PDF) of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), summarizes some realistic methods for reducing methane emissions in rice production. The authors present two case studies on efforts to mitigate methane emissions, such as irrigation management, the use of suitable rice cultivars (e.g. water-saving and drought-resistant rice, WDR) and combinations of different fertilizers. »

April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Financing strategies for integrated landscape investments

Integrated Landscape Initiatives (ILIs) have unique financing needs: they need investment and financial support timeframes. Integrated landscape management (ILM) provides a context to spatially target and harmonize investments so that they can efficiently yield public goods and private financial returns while mitigating investment risks. In Africa, financing systems for ILM must support local, national, and »