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April 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Innovating organizational systems of agricultural extension in China

This paper comprehensively examines the organizational systems of agricultural extension in China. The organizations of agricultural extension in China have been gradually diversified over 30 years’ reform and adjustment. Suggestions on how to optimize the internal organizational structures, how to encourage the interaction and coordination among different types of organizations, and how to coordinate the relationships between organizations and external environment are proposed. »

April 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Appropriate food packaging solutions for developing countries

This publication assesses the state of packaging and packaging technologies in developing countries, with the challenge of global food losses and the potential for agri-food systems as the backdrop. »

April 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
What we eat: Changing patterns of food consumption around the world

This paper (PDF) from the Universidad del Pacífico explores changes in the level and composition of per capita food consumption across the world. The world’s food output has more than trebled since 1961 whilst population only doubled, causing a marked increase in per capita food supply. Besides these overall increases in food consumption, the composition of the average diet also changed. »

April 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food Outlook 2014 – Biannual Report on Global Food Markets

The FAO Food Outlook is a biannual publication (May/June and November/December) focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets. This report (PDF) from October 2014 highlights that food markets are more stable and prices for most agricultural commodities are sharply lower than they have been in recent years. »

April 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food security and scarcity: why ending hunger is so hard

This book by C. Peter Timmer (available on University of Pennsylvania Press), provides an examination of what makes a productive, sustainable, and stable food system and of how to address the complex task of ending hunger. Important lessons learned are analysed, based on past work of the author as well as recent published research. Timmer »

April 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Securing customary land rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

This working paper elaborates on new approaches to land tenure reform with regard to securing customary land rights in Sub-Saharan Africa. The conventional approach for securing property rights to land is by establishing a system of private ownership through individual titling and has often not led to the intended improvements in agricultural investments and productivity. Instead it has had several negative social implications. »