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August 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Scaling up nutrition actions – nutrition sensitive agriculture and rural development

In partnership with A4NH, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) developed a note outlining ways to scale up results in nutrition-sensitive agriculture and rural development. The note (PDF) offers guidance to help implementers maximize agriculture and rural development interventions to eliminate malnutrition. »

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Innovation systems and technical efficiency in developing-country agriculture

In this article in the Agricultural Economics Journal, the authors argue that policy makers should focus on differences across countries when trying to combat low productivity and formulating global strategies and national policies for agricultural development. They showed how different components of an agricultural innovation system interact, to determine levels of technical inefficiency in developing-country agriculture. »

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture: towards sustainable landscapes and food systems mobilizing science for transitions

The 3rd Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture, took place in Montpellier, France, in March 2015. This statement summarises the conclusions of the meeting, which will be channeled to the UNFCCC negotiators meeting in Paris in December 2015 for the COP 21. »

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Advances in climate change adaptation research

The AfricaInteract Continental Conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2015. More than 200 delegates attended the conference. At the conference, this synthesis report (PDF) on adaptation on climate change in Africa was launched. The report contains findings and assessment of gaps in research and policy on three separate themes: urban areas, agriculture and health. It provides a synthesis of key headline findings from 12 regional reviews on research-policy linkages on adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa. »

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Financial innovation and poverty reduction: Evidence from rural northern Nigeria

This paper (PDF) by the Making Finance Work for Africa Partnership (MFW4A) examines the effect of financial innovation on poverty reduction in rural northern Nigeria. Households from this part of the world are farmers hence, exposed to the vagaries of Climate Change. Assessing whether or not the poorest income quintile (the poorest of the poor) benefit from existing financial inclusive strategies, would inform policy makers and direct the attention of microfinance entrepreneurs to better innovate products that would increase financial inclusiveness and reduce poverty in developing countries. »

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
The impact of investment in agricultural research and development and agricultural productivity

This study by IFPRI was conducted to determine the impact on world prices, agricultural commodities production, and food security and nutrition of raising the annual growth in agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) from the current estimate of 1.6 percent to 2 percent by 2030 through investment in agricultural research and development (R&D). The study also compared three R&D investment strategies: (1) gradual TFP increase, (2) accelerated TFP increase, and (3) developing-countries-only TFP increase. »