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October 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Donors and domestic policy makers: Two worlds in agricultural policy-making?

This article argues that policy beliefs are neglected in the literature on agricultural policy-making. The authors use two case studies to investigate how policy beliefs influence decision-making on whether the agricultural sector is taxed or subsidized. In-depth interviews with policy actors from Ghana and Uganda were used to execute a discourse analysis. »

October 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Success stories on information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development

This publication presents seven case studies in innovative use of emerging technologies to significantly improve the living standards of farming communities. Information and communication technologies have provided opportunities to address challenges to improve agricultural production and productivity, and enhance value chains. »

October 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Increasing the efficiency of the dairy value chain in Uganda: Determinants of choice of milk marketing channels by dairy farmers

This article in argues that while the Ugandan dairy sector has experienced continuous growth the sectors milk marketing has remained largely informal. It emphasizes that to improve milk production and sale in formal channels, investment in infrastructure and training by the government is needed. »

October 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
The impacts of food price and income shocks on household food security and economic well-being: Evidence from rural Bangladesh

This paper at MPRA examines the combined impacts of food price and income shocks on household food security and economic well-being in low-income rural communities. Using longitudinal survey data of 1,800 rural households from 12 districts of Bangladesh over the period 2007–2009, the authors estimated a three-stage hierarchical logit model to identify the key sources of household food insecurity. »

October 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
Towards a comprehensive strategic framework to upscale and out-scale ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) driven agriculture in Africa

This article on weADAPT is based on the report “Towards a comprehensive Strategic Framework to Upscale and Out-scale Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) driven agriculture in Africa”, which was released ahead of the 2nd Africa EbA for Food Security Conference, hosted by the UNEP in Nairobi in July 2015. This strategic framework (PDF) by Ebafos seeks to build on the key theme of enhancing productivity of Africa’s food systems, by proposing a holistic approach that considers productivity of the agriculture value chain as a continuum. »

October 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
Africa agriculture status report: youth in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

This report highlights the current status of youth in sub-Saharan Africa and present the opportunities and potential that the region’s ‘youth bulge’ and ‘youthening’ generation brings to agriculture. »