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November 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Identifying women farmers: Informal gender norms as institutional barriers to recognizing women’s contributions to agriculture

This article elaborates on the challenges of collecting sex-disaggregated data. While sex-disaggregated data collection is seen as an important step toward understanding women’s contributions to agriculture and including a gender perspective in agricultural research or development, social norms both in farming communities and research organizations often limit the amount of data collected from women. This reinforces the notion that women are not farmers or producers. »

October 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Peoples’ nutrition is not a business

This report poses the question: Is nutrition becoming a part of business rather than a human right? The publication presents different reviews from communities around the world and focuses on the socio-economic and cultural context in which human beings nutritional status is determined. It critically assesses the corporate influence on nutrition status and the right to food. »

October 29, 2015Knowledge Portal
Inclusive global value chains : policy options in trade and complementary areas for GVC integration by small and medium enterprises and low-income developing countries

This report (PDF) from the OECD and the World Bank focuses on making global value chains (GVCs) more inclusive. This is achieved by overcoming participation constraints for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and facilitation access for Low Income Developing Countries (LIDCs). »

October 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
Field assessment of rapid market estimation techniques: a case study of dairy value chains in Tanzania

This article uses rapid market estimation techniques to quantify the informal milk market in two Tanzanian municipalities. Many market research techniques do not document the informal components and therefore producers only have access to limited information. In this action research project, the participants tried to quickly gather key information to inform the design of interventions to upgrade small-scale urban dairy production. »

October 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
Enhancing youth engagement in agricultural careers

This blog by Cabi, explores what can and is being done already to improve employment opportunities for youth in rural areas, particularly in the agricultural sector. The blog highlights greater investment, education, working conditions, governance and social media. »

October 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
How resilient are farming households and communities to a changing climate in Africa? A gender-based perspective

This article uses a gender-based perspective to assess the conditions that underlie vulnerability and resilience of households and communities that face climate-change. The authors utilized a feminist political ecology framework to analyze how women and men are differently affected by issues of climate change and resource degradation. The authors compared the agricultural and livelihood systems of male and female respondents, as well as their productive resources, organization and access to services, and concluded that women have less access than men to common property resources, as well as to cash to obtain goods or services. »