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November 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
Improved metrics and data are needed for effective food system policies in the post-2015 era

This Global Panel’s technical brief (PDF) argues that the research community and governments need to work together to develop better ways to collect data which focuses on the nutritional impacts of food policy interventions. The brief is aimed at analysts, statistical experts and decision makers who use evidence to guide their policy choices. »

November 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
The cost of the gender gap in agricultural productivity

This concise report by UNWomen estimates the monetary value of the gender gap, its associated costs and the effectiveness of certain policies and interventions in agricultural productivity. The report focuses on the countries Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. However, the analysis can be replicated by policy makers from other countries since the methodology and data used to quantify the costs of the gender gap and to determine to what extend different factors contribute to the gender gap are aptly presented in two Appendices. »

November 7, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agricultural science can speed job creation for youth in Africa South of the Sahara

This expert opinion written by Karen Brooks, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets and published on the INCLUDE Knowledge Platform on inclusieve development policies, focuses on the role of agricultural science for job creation in Africa. ccording to Brooks, removing or reducing current barriers will attract more young people to agricultural careers and help those already farming to do so more successfully. »

November 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
What works for nutrition? Stories of success from Vietnam, Uganda, and Kenya

This report discusses the drivers of progress in tackling multiple forms of malnutrition in three countries: Vietnam, Uganda, and Kenya. The report identifies some of the challenges and success factors to sustaining progress. It highlights the importance of well defined national policies and strategies for nutrition; the importance of strengthening capacity within governance structures; and to commit to global platforms (like the SUN movement or the Zero Hunger Challenge). »

November 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
African leafy vegetables: a nutritious income source in Benin

This video ‘L’importance des legumes locaux – The importance of local vegetables’ (in French with English subtitles) on Biodiversity International explains about traditional leafy vegetables in Benin tells us about their important nutritional benefits and how they are grown, bought and sold in local food systems. Furthermore, the video highlights the contribution that these vegetables make to the livelihoods of farmers, market vendors, delivery service providers and other members of the vegetable value chain. »

November 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Recent developments in the dairy sector in Eastern Africa: Towards a regional policy framework for value chain development

This brief argues the dairy sector in Eastern Africa is under-exploited. It states that there are opportunities to strengthen or build upon existing regional structures and market complementarities, to activate stronger regional levers and coordinate actions across countries. »