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November 17, 2015Knowledge Portal
mAgri Design Toolkit: user-centered design for mobile agriculture

This toolkit is a collection of instructions, tools and stories to help develop and scale mobile agriculture products by applying a user-centered design approach. The toolkit is a collection of instructions, tools and stories to help develop and scale mobile agriculture products by applying a user-centered design approach. It provides guides for different stages in a product development cycle elaborating on the tools and displaying stories from the field. »

November 17, 2015Knowledge Portal
Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty

This edition of FAO’s “The State of Food and Agriculture 2015” (PDF) makes the case that social protection measures will help break the cycle of rural poverty and vulnerability, when combined with broader agricultural and rural development measures. The report finds that in poor countries, social protection schemes – such as cash transfers, school feeding and public works – offer an economical way to provide vulnerable people with opportunities to move out of extreme poverty and hunger and to improve their children’s health, education and life chances. »

November 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Legitimizing informal markets: A case study of the dairy sector in Kenya

This brief reflects on informal dairy markets and their legitimization in Kenya. New approaches, based on gradual improvements and an inclusive path to formalization, are evaluated as promising to ensure safe food in the dairy sector »

November 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Ending rural hunger: Mapping needs and actions for food and nutrition security

This report “Ending Rural Hunger: Mapping Needs and Actions for Food and Nutrition Security” (PDF) argues that a new approach is needed to achieve Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger: the international community must shift from a pattern of erratic political attention and inadequate measurement of the underlying issues to a sustained, strategic, and evidence-based commitment to food and nutrition security (FNS). This implies systematic and quantitative review of how well individual countries are doing in FNS, the strategies being undertaken, and the investments being made, especially in the developing world. »

November 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agricultural Lending: A how-to guide

This toolkit by IFC introduces and explains step by step the key elements of success for financial institutions (FIs) to expand financial services to farmers. The guide includes advice on each step involved and tips on how to address the complex challenges that might arise during product development process. »

November 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Cultivating equality: Delivering just and sustainable food systems in a changing climate

This report shows how inequality determines diets around the world and shapes the ability of farmers to adapt to climate change. Inequality determines who eats first and who eats worst, and how this shapes people’s ability to adapt to climate change. The report argues that solutions around food production are not enough, and demands more dialogue and action to address inequality in food systems. »